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Town Council Special Meeting Minutes 4/27/2015


Minutes Page 1  April 27, 2015

TOWN COUNCIL – Special Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Anwar called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor M. Saud Anwar
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councilor Thomas Delnicki       
        Councilor Carolyn Mirek
        Councilor Andrew Paterna
        Councilor Liz Pendleton
        Councilor Matthew Riley
        Councilor Janice Snyder
        Councilor Stephen Wagner

Also Present:   Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
        Keith Yagaloff, Town Attorney

3.      Public Participation

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came forward and informed the Council that he had sent an email to the Council today.  There were certain questions that were asked in the email.  Mr. Gonsalves requested that answers to those questions be provided during the meeting.

Mr. Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road voiced concerns about cutting the Board of Education budget.  The concern of raised taxes should be addressed by the State and Federal Government on the many State mandates that they put onto the Town but are not properly funded.

Ms. Pam Beaudry, 26 Mountainview Road came before the Council to oppose the proposed synthetic turf field at the high school.  The neighborhood understands that there is a lack of athletic fields and the Recreation Department has been requesting more fields for years.  The residents of South Windsor are being asked to spend more than $1 million dollars for one field that will need to be refurbished in 8-10 years.  The Town should spend money on improving the grass field.  The neighborhood has concerns regarding the infill that will be used and the runoff from the property that will go into the neighboring properties.


3.      Public Participation (Continued)

Mr. Robert Dziedzic, 271 Avery Street stated that he feels the Town Council members are not accessible.  Mr. Dziedzic requested that the Council come in with a 0% increase to taxes.  The Board of Education wants additional positions while enrollment is decreasing, that makes no sense.  Mr. Dziedzic questioned what the Town’s collection rate is, how many home owners owe back taxes, and how many home owners owe back sewers fees?  The children of South Windsor receive a very good education, but after they graduate are unable to afford to live in South Windsor.  The Town should be run like a business, don’t spend what you do not have.

Mayor Anwar read a letter into the record from Mr. Victor Berman of 16 Lavender Lane who is requesting that the Town consider replacing street lights in condominium complexes and 55+ developments with LED Streetlights when the rest of the Town is switched over.

Mayor Anwar informed the public that he holds office hours every two weeks and also stated that all Council members read their emails and value the views of the community.

4.      Special New Business

A.      Discussion Item:  Board of Education Budget

Deputy Mayor Havens stated that the Council needs to consider both the Board of Education budget as well as the General Government budget.  It is going to be a difficult budget season but Deputy Mayor Havens said he hopes that what is decided on the budget, that all the departments will be able to work with it.

Councilor Mirek explained the even though enrollment is declining, positions being advocated for are programs for those with special needs.  These items are mandated, but not funded by the State budget.  

Councilor Riley stated that not only did the Middle School reduce staffing a couple years ago, but also the elementary staffing has declined over time.  Full day Kindergarten has been added also.


4.      A.      (Continued)

Councilor Snyder said that there has been a 41% increase of English learning students which takes more teachers.  The major drivers of the Board of Education budget is for healthcare, salaries and special education programs that have to be maintained or increased.  There have been 8 or 9 elementary school teachers that have not been replaced because of the decrease in enrollment.  Since a new school is being built, Wapping will be eliminated and there will be reductions to the budget in the future.  There are positions that are being proposed for programs for students who may not want to go to college after high school.  It is important for the Board of Education to accommodate and educate all students and a lot of the items are mandated by the State.

Councilor Delnicki questioned what Town’s could do to opposed some of the mandates?  Mr. Galligan explained that as President of CCM, there has been lobbying for a lot of items such as prevailing wage.  There is a legislation going through changing the dollar amounts which will allow South Windsor to be able to work with local contractors.  Mr. Galligan reviewed the SB1 bill with the Council members which involves car taxes.  There is another mandate out there where they want Town’s to regionalize economic development.

Councilor Wagner felt that the hard part is seeing the grand list decline.  Even though it may be a small decrease, it takes away funds for additional items.  In order for the Town to be sustainable, the Town Council will have to be careful about what happens on the spending side.  Items proposed for the Board of Education and Town are all worthy, but the Town Council needs to worry about the increase to the budget.

Councilor Mirek stated that Board of Education is proposing funds to enhance school security which is very important.  Another item that is important is an additional School Psychologist.  It is the responsibility of the Town Council to take care of the well being and health of the students.  


4.      A.      (Continued)

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that in the proposed budget there is $500,000 being used from fund balance.  Council may want to change that number.  The fund balance may need to be used to work with mandates.  The fund balance needs to be increased.  Council needs to work together to create a budget.  

Councilor Pendleton stated that although she supports the Board of Education, she is unable to approve the budget increase that is being proposed.

Councilor Riley explained that South Windsor is a desirable community and many people purchase homes due to the education in South Windsor.  The Town Council has to protect and support the Board of Education.  Education is the most important asset that the Town has.  

Mr. Galligan explained to the Council that the ARC for the pension is fully funded each year.

At 8:00 p.m. the Special Meeting was recessed in order to hold a public hearing.  The Special Meeting reconvened at 8:12 p.m.

Mayor Anwar stated that the Board of Education has presented a very good budget.  Revenues coming into the Town have decreased this year.  The Town Council will need to balance out the needs of the General Government budget and the Board of Education budget.

B.      Discussion Item:  General Government Budget

Mr. Galligan explained that for years the Town has been keeping a lid on expenses.  Since 1989 the Town has had the same number of employee’s in Public Works.  All of the salt is measured and the Town vehicles have GPS on them.  The Town uses business practices where practical.  The Capital Budget used to be at $3 million dollars but has been cut down to $1 million dollars.  There is a company that left South Windsor and the Town lost $175,000 in revenue.  Mr. Galligan said he understands the budget is going to be cut but would like the Council to set the priorities of the Town and he does not want to see services cut.  This is a very critical year and the decisions made today will affect the future.  In the next few years the Town should see new revenue coming into the Town.  Mr. Galligan requested that the Council give him the bottom line for the budget.

4.      B.      (Continued)

Mayor Anwar explained that a Capital Project is any budget amount over $50,000 for material, equipment and building with an investment of 5 years at least.  Mayor Anwar stated that the definition is being reviewed at this time.  Mr. Galligan added that a capital project includes bonding.  

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that the Town pays less on fuel oil then someone would pay for their home because it is bid out regionally.  The fuel oil cost for the Town was between $2.56 per gallon to $2.75 per gallon.  He stated he would have to review the Board of Education’s cost.  The collection rate that is used is 98.75% which has been standard over the years.  The Fire Department currently contracts services for maintenance out and buildings that are new have more complicated systems.  These buildings are public buildings and a position to take over the fire houses would be appropriate.  Existing staff would not be able to take on more public buildings.  Mr. Galligan explained that he has put a Committee together to look at the different inspection fees for the Town.  The Committee will not be ready for this year’s budget, but this could have an affect on next year’s revenues.  This item should be reviewed in the future.

Councilor Snyder requested the Council members give their thoughts on the increase to the budgets.  The Council should also understand the impacts to any cuts to the General Government budget or the Board of Education budget.  Councilor Snyder also felt that the Council should give the bottom number, but the Town Manager should be the one to make the decision what should not be included in the budget.

Mayor Anwar explained that that if the Council gives everyone what they want, the taxpayers will sustain a large increase.  There will be a negative impact either on the Board of Education, Town or taxpayers.  The Council needs to determine the budget together.  There is a significant amount of the community that is on a fixed income and can not afford a budget increase.  Mayor Anwar stated he would like to see the increase less than 2% if possible.  This is a number where the Council can begin discussions.  The Town and Board of Education will have to make difficult decisions.  The long term strategy is to increase revenues coming into the Town in order to maintain and strengthen South Windsor.  Mayor Anwar questioned if the building permits for the Scannell property can be part of the revenues for this year?  


4.      B.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan explained that if it comes in this year it will be in this year’s budget.  

Mayor Anwar stated that economic development is very important to the Town which benefits the taxpayers.  

Councilor Snyder asked if it would be prudent for the Town Council to set criteria that could be used as a guide to keep all of the budgets equally compromised.  Should the Council say something like no new programs or projects for one year until the revenues are better.  

Mayor Anwar stated that it is the Council’s responsibility to set priorities.  These priorities are being set on conversations that the Council has had.  The Council needs to use a focused approach on the budget.  The LED streetlights are going to be budget neutral.  Councilor Snyder disagreed stating that in about two years those prices are going to be 50% of what you are paying now.

Councilor Delnicki felt that economic development will continue to be an important tool for the Town.  The Council should understand the affect on budget cuts to the Board of Education and should review different percentages and understand those cuts also.  When considering a fee structure to charge businesses, the Town has to consider the small businesses in Town and how the fees will impact them.  

Councilor Paterna said he feels it is important for the Council to understand that the Board of Education and Town have already made cuts to their budgets.  A reasonable fee structure on permits would help offset costs.  Councilor Paterna felt that a work session should be scheduled for the Council to have deliberations on the budgets.

Councilor Riley felt setting priorities would be difficult without knowing what the impacts to certain cuts would be.  More information is needed at different percentages (2%, 2.5%, 3%), what would be cut from each budget.  After understanding that, priorities could be set.   


4.      B.      (Continued)

Mayor Anwar explained that the Town Council has to look at what the Town Manager has said is critical to the Town and then weigh in the options.  Mayor Anwar stated that most departments have requested 2% raises.  The Town has contractual obligations, but what is the opportunity to save money on raises?  Mr. Galligan explained that the 2% increases to salaries are for 43 people which are your management individuals.  Management has taken 0% increases in the past.  If Management keeps taking 0% increases, union employees will soon be receiving the same pay as Management.  Mr. Galligan said he would give that number to the Council after he reviews it.  

Mayor Anwar felt that maybe this is the year that raises are not given to the Management.  

Mr. Galligan cautioned the Council that staff may decide to join a union.  Mayor Anwar felt that maybe the percentage should be cut for this year and this would have to be a discussed.

Councilor Wagner stated that he is not personally in favor of having a rule that the Council applies to everything such as no new projects or no new positions.  The Council needs to apply a judgment to every single thing and decide if it is the right thing to do.

Councilor Mirek felt that Councilor Paterna’s suggestion of having a work session to deliberate on the budget is a good idea.  The Council needs to understand the ramifications of potential cuts.  Councilor Mirek questioned if the maintenance for the Fire Department could be outsourced?

Mr. Galligan responded by explaining the Town does outsource certain items but maintenance employee’s are necessary to know when certain items need to be looked at.  The Town currently has three maintenance employees to take care of all of the Town buildings and they are on three different shifts.

Councilor Mirek stated that education is very important and draws people to move into Town.  The Town Council needs to fund the Board of Education’s budget.


4.      B.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan said that Town staff is doing a lot more work for less and the Council can not keep piling on more projects.  It does not make sense to do a large project at this time which will take away from the budget and not allow staff an increase.

Council members discussed having further meetings with departments.  It was decided that if any Council members have further questions they would like answered by departments, a request should be sent to the Town Manager.

Councilor Pendleton stated that the Town’s grand list is down.  There were 500 families that were helped last year over the holidays.  There are seniors that are on budgets and will only receive a 1.75% increase.  Councilor Pendleton felt that the Town could introduce one position per year in order to address the Town’s staffing needs.  It would be more prudent for the Town to hire an Economic Development Coordinator in order to bring more business to Town which in turn will bring more revenues to the Town.  A two year budget process in the future, as the Town Manager has suggested in the past, may be a good idea.  Councilor Pendleton pointed out that the Council needs to be aware that a new school will be coming on line next year which will affect the budget as well as a 53rd pay period.  These items should be considered priorities.  Another priority would be to hire for another position for maintenance so the Fire Houses can be maintained by the Town.

Mr. Galligan also felt that the Town should be doing a two or three year budget so the Council will understand where the Town is and where the Town is going to be.

Councilor Riley informed the Council that after speaking to three different realtors, he found that the three most important items that people are looking for when looking to move are:  1) proximity; 2) education; and 3) parks.  Mr. Riley stated that he knows there is going to have to be cuts across the board, but he would like to know the amount that is going to be cut and what is going to be cut.

Deputy Mayor Havens stated he has listened to all of the discussion and it is the majority party’s responsibility of setting the tax rate.  Mayor Anwar stated that the Council will work together on this budget.    


4.      B.      (Continued)

Councilor Mirek felt that the Democrats do not seem to care what the Republicans say.  

Mayor Anwar explained to the Council that last year there was a cut in the amount the Board of Education was proposing for their budget, but their budget did increase last year.  Last year we had the amount for Capital Projects and that needed to be taken care of.  

Councilor Snyder stated that it is unsettling to hear that the majority party is going to decide on the budget and the republicans just have to go with it.  Has any of the majority met with the Town Manager and given him a number to work with?  Mayor Anwar answered that he has said 2% publicly and have had discussions with the Town Manager.  

Councilor Riley felt the process seems to be focused on what is a number that we can support in terms of a tax increase without understanding the ramification of that number.  The process needs to be improved.  

Councilor Wagner explained that last year the Council gave the Town Manager a number and then the Council found out what the ramifications would be.   The Board of Education has never explained the implications of cuts to their budget.

Councilor Paterna stated that the Council does not look at line items.  The Town Manager and Superintendent will decide on what will be cut.  Councilor Riley stated that the Council can ask for it.  Mr. Galligan explained that the Board of Education decides where to cut their budget.  The Superintendent needs to know a number so she can make decisions on the Board of Education budget.  

Councilor Wagner made a motion to suspend the rules in order to go to Item 4. D.  Councilor Paterna seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.


4.      New Business (Continued)

D.      Discussion Item:  Lease Purchase Financing for the Development of a Synthetic Turf Field at South Windsor High School

Mr. Galligan explained that one proposal was received for this project from TIP Capitol for an 84 month lease.  The Town used a higher interest rate and the cost would be $23,435 per month which equals $281,220 per year.  Another proposal is being done by PFC out of California.  The Bond Counsel or Town Attorney may review PFC’s proposal.

Mr. Kevin Fuselier a Landscape Architect from Milone and MacBroom came before the Council and explained that Milone and MacBroom have been asked to re-design the project with an alternative in-fill system.  There are two types which are enviro fill and TPE.  Mr. Fuselier explained the difference between both in-fills.  Both of these types of in-fills require shock pads to be installed.  These pads take the impact of falls.  There is a cost savings associated with the use of a pad. The grass blade height is shorter, the use of a pad reduces the amount of in-fill and the pad has drainage channels.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Fuselier explained acrylic coating is non-toxic.  With the use of the pad, it will not be necessary to have the piping under the field.  The pad has a 25-year warranty which will be used for either in-fill.  There is no vpa in the pad and the players will have the ability to play in the rain.

Mr. Galligan informed the Council that February is always a good month to do lease financing.  The maintenance of an artificial turf field is less than a grass field because there are a lot of mandates on grass fields.

Mr. Fuselier answered further questions explaining that the oldest TPE in-fill field in Connecticut is five years old.

Mr. Galligan explained that there is $70,000 or $80,000 in the budget for the track renovation which will be used as a down payment for the entire project.  The first year may cost less than the $281,000 depending on when the field is complete.  This field will not have lights and may last longer than 8-10 years.  After the payments of this field is complete, Mr. Galligan suggested that the funds for the field be saved for a few years in order to replace the carpet when necessary.


4.      D.      (Continued)

Mr. Fuselier explained to the Council that there has been research done on these products and the fields are being made safer for players.  The track surface will last 20 years if it is maintained properly.

Councilor Pendleton stated she would like protection measures taken for the children using the fields, residents and wildlife.


Ms. Pam Beaudry, 26 Mountainview Road stated she is happy that the Council has decided to go with another in-fill.  There are other concerns that the neighborhood has such as will other Town’s lease this field for use and will the field be used 24/7 on Saturdays and Sundays.  Ms. Beaudry would like to meet with the Town Manger to address the ability to erect a sound barrier, move the loud speaker and move the bleachers.  As a taxpayer, Ms. Beaudry said she can not justify spending this amount of money when budgets are being cut.

Mr. Larry Beaudry, 26 Mountainview Road stated that he has heard the primary problem is that there is not enough athletic fields in Town.  There was a proposal to create three new fields across the street.  That proposal was going to cost $1 million dollars to $1.5 million dollars and now the Town is proposing to put an artificial turf on an existing field which will cost $1.5 million dollars.  This means the shortage of fields will still exist.

Mayor Anwar said that the principal of the high school is conscious of the neighbors concerns and will make sure concerns are addressed.

Mr. Galligan answered a question from the public explaining that there is no conduit proposed in this plan.

C.      Discussion Item:  Lease Purchase Financing for the Acquisition of Eversource Streetlights and Replacement LED Streetlights

Councilor Wagner presented to the Council a presentation on LED Streetlights Retrofit Program, as shown in attached, Exhibit A.


4.      C.      (Continued)

Answering questions from the Council, Councilor Wagner explained that in the first year $160,000 should be saved.

At 11:00 p.m. Councilor Delnicki made a motion to extend the meeting by ten minutes.  Councilor Paterna seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Mr. Galligan felt that the program could have a substantial savings for the Town.  The numbers will be checked before the project moves forward.

Mr. Gantick stated that not a lot of Towns have done this in Connecticut and felt that this is as close as you can get to a home run with energy savings.  Mr. Gantick explained that he has spoke with a Town if Massachusetts and they are saving quite a bit of money.

Councilor Wagner explained that once the wattage of the fixtures are determined, it will be known exactly what it costs to run a light.  Going forward, the Town will know what will be paid and saved.

Councilor Riley felt that a phased approach would be best.

Mr. Galligan stated that the poles are still owned by the utility company.  If a pole is knocked down, it will be their responsibility to replace it.  The decorative poles are owned by the Town, if they get knocked down, the Town will have to replace those.

Councilor Delnicki felt that it should be considered to go to referendum for this project and do the entire project at once.

At 11:10 p.m. the meeting was extended for five minutes.


Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail stated he would like to know where the school budget stands.  There may be a surplus as there is every other year that could be used.

Mr. Victor Berman of 16 Lavender Lane stated he emailed a letter to the Mayor which was supposed to be read into the record.  Mr. Berman would like condominiums and 55+ developments to be included in the LED program.


8.      Adjournment

At 11:18 p.m. Councilor Snyder made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting.  Councilor Paterna seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council